Tango™ Condition Manager Quick Start
In this tutorial, we will be taking you through some of the basic features of Tango™ Webservices. We will cover the following features:
1.) Open your web browser.
2.) Visit tf7.com to access the login page.
2.) Click on the Tango Icon in the Customer Login section. User will be directed to the login page.
3.) From the Tango™ login screen, enter your "Username" and "Password" and click "Login"
4.) Click the database you want to access
Integrated Condition Status Report (ISC Report) Icon
To access the ISC Report, click the

button from the toolbar.
ICS Report From Location In Tree
Users can minimize the number of condition entries that are displayed on the ICS Report by selecting the Filtered ICS Report, thus decreasing load times and provide greater details for the selected area.
By selecting a filtered ICS Report, only the condition entries that are under the selected area will be displayed on the ISC Report.
1.) Click the drop down menu next to the location to be filtered.
2.) Click on "ICS Report" to open.
Open Condition Entry Details
Click on link in the "Severity Column".
A new tab will open in the users browser with Condition Entry details.
Note: Pop-up blocker may not allow a new tab to be opened with consent.
Enter Work Order Assignment Code
1.) Open the condition entry details (see above).
2.) Click on "Work Order Request" or "Work Order Number" (depending on your companies preferance) to assign a Work Order Code.
Note: Depending on your security settings, you may be asked to allow "Scripted Windows" for the Work Order Entry to be allowed to open. With most browsers the prompt to allow scripting will be a pop-up window or an "Information Bar" at the top of the screen.
3.) Entry the proper code or number, then click "OK".
Check Off At Completion
From the condition entry details:
1.) Click "Checkoff" upon completion.
2.) Fill out the checkoff details and click "Save".
Linked Documents
1.) Within the Tango™ tree, click the drop down menu next to the location where the linked document is stored. Then click the "Linked Documents".
2.) Click on the desired linked document to open, a new tab will be opened with the linked document or the document will be downloaded.
3.) Uses may be promted to "Save" or "Open" the file. Click "Open" and the file will open in the default program for that document type.
Performing a Condition Assessment Assignment Report Search
1.) From the Asset Tree;
A. Expand "Service" tree
B. Expand "Condition Assessment Services" tree
C. Click the icon next to "Condition Assessment Report Search"
2.) Check or Fill-In the "Dates" and/or "Task and Assignment Information" filters to narrow the search, and then Click "Search".