Root Cause Failure Analysis Manager
While many companies have a formalized root cause of failure analysis process, the
process for managing the RCFA progress, case actions, repairs and reapplication
to similar equipment is not standardized, easily communicated, nor accountable.
Tangoâ„¢ provides a RCFA information management tool which stores and manages information
generated by your RCFA process. The Root Cause Entry screen (figure 1) is
designed to capture critical RCFA case information as it becomes available.
Figure 1 - RCFA data entry
Figure 2 - RCFA Summary Page
The Root Cause entry status, figure 2, provides a summary of all open RCFA cases
and progress information on each case.
The RCFA corrective action status report, figure 3, rolls up the assigned action
for all personnel assigned corrective actions. This list provides RCFA actions from
all open cases, by individual.
Figure 3 - RCFA Corrective Actions Report
RCFA Emails
An e-mail will be sent to 'assigned personnel' for specified actions in RCFAs. Assigned personnel are setup in the User Configuration interface.
Events triggering emails to be sent from Tango:
1) RCFA action item defined
2) RCFA action item completed
3) RCFA case closed
Figure 4 - RCFA action item list