Tango™ - Frequently Asked Questions
Adding Google Docs to Linked Documents
I can not find my User Name in Tango™ User Login window?
How do I turn on a Plug-in module?
How Secure is the information?
How does a Concurrent Seat Work?
How do I find multiple Aliases, Locations, or Equipment?
How do I order the Locations in the Location Tree?
How do I delete locations?
Condition Management
Why is the Check Off Comments Not Opening in Web Services?
How do I make a Condition Assessment Task Auto-generate?
What do the symbols mean, when entering Assessment Data?
Equipment Management
I accidentally put equipment in the wrong location, how do I remove it?
I entered the wrong date when transferring equipment, how do I change it?
Who can see Pricing Information in Tango™ or Repair Tracker?
What are "Set Review State" rights?
What privileges do Admin have vs. the ability to "Set Review State"?
Scheduling Collection – How would that work?
What is a Submission Email?
"Send Submission and Review Emails" – do these get sent to only Oilography users?
Are the "Send Sample Reviewed Email" are just to say that a sample has been reviewed?
Are the "Send Sample Submission Email" and "Send Sample Reviewed Email" manually or automatically sent?
PDA & RoundsLogging
What Mobile Devices will RoundsLogging work on?
Will the PDA Software work with Windows Vista?
Repair Tracker
How do I go back to results from a search in Repair Tracker?
What Operating Systems will Tango™ run on?
How do I install Plug-ins on a computer Running Windows Vista?
I can not find my User Login Name in Tango™ User Login window?
Either the user name has not been set-up or the user name does not have the permission to sign-in to the database. A system administrator can set-up the user name or enable the user to sign-in in User Region Explorer.
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I accidentally put equipment in the wrong location, how do I remove it?
The Roll-Back Plug-in can be used to remove the last history entry for a piece of equipment. This plug-in should be used with caution because the removal of the history can not be recovered and the plug-in can cause database problems. Contact 24/7 Systems to enable the Plug-in for use.
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I entered the wrong date when transferring equipment, how do I change it?
The Roll-Back Plug-in can be used to remove the last history entry for a piece of equipment. This plug-in should be used with caution because the removal of the history can not be recovered and the plug-in can cause database problems. Contact 24/7 Systems to enable the Plug-in for use.
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How do I delete locations?
Right click on the location, select Location Options and then select Delete Location. Note a location with history can not be deleted.
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How do I order the Locations in the Location Tree?
Locations can be order by right clicking on the tree level above what locations are to be ordered (right click on the unit to order the functions) and then select Location Definition Editor. Then just enter the order number beside the location and select OK. This was not previously turned-on, I just turned this plug-in on.
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How do I find multiple Aliases, Locations, or Equipment?
In the upper right hand corner there is a quick search if you click the ... a list of extended search options will appear select the appropriate option. Then just enter alias, location, or equipment tag into the field select Find and a window will open with the matches.
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How do I make a Condition Assessment Task Auto-generate?
Step One: Expand the tree below plug-ins and then right click on the Condition Assessment Task Management and select Plug-in Options.
In the window select the amount of time (in days) before an e-mail notification is sent. Then select
Step two: Again right click on the Condition Assessment Task Management and select Edit / Add Task Types.
In the task enter a e-mail address for a plant person to e-mailed when the task is generated under the Plant Notification E-mail Address.
Also make sure the analyst user name is selected in the assigned user field. In the interval in days column enter 30 for a month interval, 180 for a 6 month, and 90 for a quarterly interval.
Tango™ takes into account a month with 31, 28 days and set the due date accordingly.
Step three: Open User Region Explorer.
Select the analyst log-in name and then select edit. Enter their e-mail address into in the e-mail address space. Select
An e-mail will be sent around 5:00 A.M.,how ever many days specified before the task's due date and the task will auto generate.
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How do I turn on a Plug-in Module?
The Plug-in must be enabled for your database, which can only be done by
24/7 Systems. To enable the Plug-in contact
24/7 systems.
A DLL file also needs to be registered, for the Tango™ Application.
1.) In Tango™ below the locations in the location tree right click on
2.) In the open window select the
Add Plug-in button.
3.) Then in the next window select Register DLL.
4.) This should open the Tango™ File window.
5.) Here select the Tango™ Plug-in folder.
6.) Select the DLL file and then select
A message will open saying that the file was successfully registered.
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How Secure is the information?
A security audit was performed by Sword & Shield. The company conducted a vulnerability assessment of our web server.
There findings concluded that 24/7 Systems has satisfactory security and safeguards for the protection of our clients.
Click here to view the security audit.
All databases are backup on site daily as well as off site weekly.
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Why is the Check Off Comments (User Explorer Prompt) Not Opening in Web Services?
Internet Explorer version 7 default setting blocks this window / user prompt from opening.
To Change this default open Internet Explorer:
1.) Select
Tools In the Tool Bar.
2.) Then select
Internet Options. In Internet Options select the
Security tab.
3.) Next select the
Custom Levels button. Here Scroll down to the very end of the list.
4.) Look for a setting called
Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows.
5.) Select Enable for this setting. Then select
The Check Off Comments Window should open now in Web Services.
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How does a Concurrent Seat Work?
A concurrent seat allows any user to be able to access the database.
Ex. (Tango™ Database has 25 users and 3 concurrent seats. Any user at any given time can access the Tango™ database, but only 3 users can access the database at the same time)
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What Mobile Devices will RoundsLogging work on?
Smartphones and Mobile Devices
Smartphones and Mobile Devices are now compatible with RoundsLogging, including Android and Apple Platforms!
HP hx2100 |
HP hx2700 |
Otter Box 1900 |
Dimensions 3.01 x 0.65 x 4.71 in (76.6 x 16.3 x 119.4 mm) |
Dimensions. 3.01 x 0.65 x 4.71 in (76.6 x 16.3 x 119.4 mm) |
Dimensions 4.50 x 2.20 x 6.50 in |
Regular PDA |
Regular PDA , more memory longer battery life |
Separate rugged waterproof case, which will fit either HP. Hand-strap included, IP67 sealed construction |
Most HP and Dell's using Pocket PC operating system will work
Symbol MC 9090 |
Symbol MC35 |
Dolphin 7900 |
Dolphin 9500 |
Dimensions 9.1 in. L x 3.6 in. W x 2.2 in. H (23.1 cm L x 9.1 cm H x 5.6 cm H) |
Dimensions 5in. L x 2.59 in. W x 0.81 in. H / 127mm L x 65.85mm W x 20.6mm H |
Dimensions 7.3" x 3.5" x 1.7" (18.5cm x 8.9cm x 4.3cm) |
Dimensions 9.6" x 3.5" x 1.7" (24.5cm x 8.8cm x 4.2cm) |
Barcode Scanner Alpha Keypad IP64 Sealed Construction |
Alpha Keypad IP64 Sealed Construction |
Barcode Scanner Alpha Keypad IP64 Sealed Construction |
Barcode Scanner Alpha Keypad IP64 Sealed Construction |
Any PDA can be sent to 24/7 systems to ensure compatibility.
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How do I go back to results from a search in Repair Tracker?
When in the Equipment Repair History or Equipment Definition page,
right click and select
Back. This will open the results from the search that was performed.
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What Operating Systems will Tango™ run on?
Tango™ supports Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, and Windows 7; although there are some setup issues that must be dealt with in Vista and 7 (be sure to view the
ReadMe Files with the downloads.
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How do I install Plugins on a computer Running Windows Vista?
In Tango™ Versions 2.6.12 and earlier, some extra steps are required to install plugins on computers running Microsoft Windows Vista.
Click Here for complete instructions.
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Will the PDA Software work with Windows Vista?
Yes, the PDA software will connect to Tango™ on a Windows Vista platform. However Window Mobile Device Center needs to be installed so the PC can communicate with the PDA. Active-Sync is not needed with Windows Vista.
Click Here to download
Windows Mobile Device Center for Vista.
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What do the symbols mean, when entering Assessment Data?
The following Table lists the icons that will appear when entering assessments in the Enter Condition Assessment Data window. Note if a task is uploaded from a PDA, a location will not be marked with the Condition Entry symbol until the Intermediate Assessment Data has been processed.
Symbol |
Selected Assessment State |
Measured OK, Condition Comment |
Measured OK, Condition Comment |
Measured, Mildly Abnormal |
| Measured Condition Entry |
Not Measured, Equipment Down |
Not Measured, Equipment Down |
Not Measured, Skipped Due to Lack of Time |
Not Assessed |
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Who can see Repair Pricing Information in Tango™ or Repair Tracker?
Repair Tracker -
A Repair Shop can only see Repair Pricing entered by the shop. The shop can still view past repairs performed by other shops but the repair pricing will not be shown. Note do not link documents with repair pricing information. Any user can view linked documents.
Tango™ -
Any user logged into Tango™ can view Repair Pricing information, unless the user permission is selected to hide repair pricing information.
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What are "Set Review State" rights?
They have the ability to say whether a returned sample result is ok or whether it needs a condition entry.
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What privileges do Admin have vs. the ability to "Set Review State"?
Admin users can configure Oilography (Set alarms, add comments, etc.) where Set Review State limits them to just reviewing the data and setting the status(OK, Condition Entry, etc.).
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Scheduling Collection – How would that work?
Users with this permission, have the ability to set collection dates/intervals for sample(s) to be taken.
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What is a Submission Email?
An Email gets sent when a sample is returned from the Oil Lab and is awaiting review.
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"Send Submission and Review Emails" – do these get sent to only Oilography users?
Yes. A user must have an Oilography account to receive these emails, however those users can be set to inactive(unable to login to oilography), but still receive the email.
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Are the "Send Sample Reviewed Email" are just to say that a sample has been reviewed?
Yes, and that it may need to have a condition entry added, or lets someone know that the next step in the review process is needed.
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Are the "Send Sample Submission Email" and "Send Sample Reviewed Email" manually or automatically sent?
These emails are automatically generated and send when a sample is returned or reviewed without human interaction.
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