In this tutorial, we will be taking you through some of the basic features of Oilography™. We will cover the following features:
1) Visit, click on "Oilography"
2) Enter your Username and Password
3) Click "Login".
Status Overview Panel
Once users have logged in, they will be directed to the Status Overview Panel.
This panel will display all available customers associated with the user.
User can also use the icons in the upper right corner to navigate Oilography and edit configurations:
The Status Overview Panel allows users to navigate directly to the view sample points, unreviewed samples, and tasks tabs by clicking

in the appropriate column. Clicking the oil drop will direct the
user to the corresponding tab in the
Oil Analysis Control Panel.
By clicking View next to the site, users will be taken to the Oil Analysis Control Panel where they will have the ability to view:
- Samples Awaiting Review
- Most Recent
- Tasks
- Samples At Lab
- Sample Points and Scheduling (Task)
Filter Options
Once a site has been choosen, click the

icon next to the drop down list.
The following prompt will be displayed:
In the prompt, fill in the desired text fill with the search criteria and click the

next the that search field.
The results with be displayed as shown:
Users will have the following options in the upper right corner of the result box:
Open Report(s) - Open the data sets and review the reports.
Email Data Set(s) - Email the data set results.
Clear Results
Edit User Information
All Users have the ability to edit their username, password, email address and Email notification options.
1) From the Status Overview Panel, click the

icon in the top right corner.
2) Click "User Account Configuration".
3) Edit any of the user information, select or unselect the Account Type, Permissions, and Email Notifications options.

Some options are limited to Admin users. Please contact your Oilography Administrator for these changes.
4) Click "Save Configuration" at the bottom to save any changes.
Oil Analysis Control Panel
The Oil Analysis Control Panel is the main console for Oil Data Set information. It is broken up into five sections:
Samples Awaiting Review
Most Recent
Samples At Lab
Sample Points & Scheduling
Printing Sample Labels
Samples Awaiting Review
The Samples Awaiting Review tab displaysany oil data sets that need review. This panel will display the actions available, location description,
equipment description, date the test was completed, status, values, lab sample code, company, site, and Tango mapping icon.
Email Oil Data Sets - Click the icon next to the sample point
to email an oil sample report to a specified person.
Learn More
View Oil Reports - Click the icon to view
the oil data report.
Learn More
Edit Sample Point Schedule Info - Click the icon to
edit the sample point information.
Learn More
Status - Displays a color coded, overall status of the oil data set
Tango Mapping - If the

icon is red, this indicates
that the oil data set is linked to a location in Tango. Gray

means it is not linked and can be linked to Tango, if the Site is synchronized with a Tango account.
Learn More
Most Recent
The most recent tab displays the recently reviewed samples, providing the same actions as the Awaiting Review Tab (email, view,
edit oil data sets), as well as the sampled and completed dates and reviewed status and dates.
The Task Tab allows users to view/add/edit Tasks, print labels, and collect data associated with Tango.
Users have the ability to edit the task definition, review the status of the task,
Oilography Condition Assessment
Assignment Editor (Task Collections), see the number of points, points assessed, collected, and from lab, view the associated lab,
task intervals, and the next collection date.
Users can also filter the tasks that are displayed (see below), refresh the list by clicking the

icon, and create a New Task Definitions
(users can only create the task, but not add points; that must be done in Tango) by clicking Add Task button.
Task Filter Options
In the Task Panel click the

icon to customize the task list.
Check the desired boxes and click Apply to apply the changes or Clear to return the filter settings to default.
Oilography Condition Assessment Assignment Editor
The Condition Assessment Editor provides an interface for viewing and editing assessment information.
Users Options:
Starting with the top option, users can click the View All Tasks button to be taken back
to the main
Task page.
Mark Batch Sampled allows the user to mark all sample points as sampled and print the labels for each point in bulk.
The three icons on the top left of the table:

icon cancels the assignment, clearing all the sampled information and
resetting the task.

icon refreshes the list. This is useful if changes the
user makes does not show immediately on the list or if other users are making changes at the same time.

icon save all changes made while active on this page.
Icons within the table:

icon will display the Tango location mapped to this sample.

icon will allow users to Edit Sample Point Schedule Information.

icon allows users to view all history associated with the sample point.

icon show when a sample point has a review needed state associated with the sample point.

icon allows users to see the oil report associated with the sample point.
The Sampled Column options:
1) Marked Sampled - Users can mark a sample by filling out the information to the right in the Batch Column or clicking Mark Sampled which will prompt a Sample Drawn Data prompt, fill out the prompt and click save.
2) Skip - Allows users to skip the sample on the current task.
3) Assess - Clicking the assess button will take the user to the
Oil Report where they can view the results from an oil lab, set a review state, add comments, and more.
Printing Sample Labels - Clicking the

will prompt a new window which generates a printable label. Click the print icon in that prompt to print the label.
5) Displays the Sample Date - No actions are required.
Users can re-enter the assessment data by clicking the

icon next to the assessed date.
Samples At Lab
Samples At Lab tab displays any samples that are in the process of being completed. Only the Edit Sample Point and Schedule action is
available from this tab. Users can also see the Work Status if any has been provided by the oil lab.
Sample Points & Scheduling
The Sample Points and Scheduling tab allows users to edit sample point schedule information, view latest oil report, view oil history (oil
sampled and test completed dates), print oil sample labels, and add new sample points.
Add new sample points by clicking the Add New Sample Point button at the bottom of the Sample Points & Scheduling tab panel.
Edit Sample Point Information by clicking the

View the latest oil report for a sample point by clicking the

View a history list for a point by clicking the

Print oil sample labels by clicking the

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Printing Sample Labels
From the
Sample Points and Scheduling Tab.
Click on the

next to the desired sample point. Once the icon is clicked,
a new PDF Viewer tab/window will generate the label. The label can be printed by clicking the print icon on the PDF Viewer.
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Add/Edit Sample Points
Users can:
1) Add new sample points by selecting the Sample Points & Scheduling tab, scolling to the bottom and clicking the Add New Sample
Point button.
2) Edit existing sample points by clicking the

from most of
the tabs in the Oil Analysis Control Panel or by searching using the

Note: Be sure if using Internet Explorer, the browser is NOT in compatibility mode
(see this from the browser toolbar -> Tools-> Compatibility Settings).
Fill out or edit the required information in this prompt, and click Save.
Oil Report
After an Oil Lab completes the analysis of the oil, they will post the results to Oilography. Oilography will generate an oil analysis report.
The report is broken down into five sections:
1) Oil Lab Information
2) Sample Information
3) Comments
4) Data
5) Charts
Oil Lab Information - Displays the oil labs information, database name, and report status.
Sample Information - Displays the location and equipment information, lab sample point id, lube type, date sampled/recieved/completed, sample id, review status, and Tango Mapping information.
If the Review Needed button is visible, click the review needed button to set the review status. Use the drop down box to select the status and click reviewed.
If the report as been reviewed, it can be unreviewed, if the user has appropriate rights, by clicking the

icon next to the reviewed date.
Comments - The comment section will show the recommented actions and the data interpertation by the lab and allow users to add comments, by clicking the Add button, to the oil report. Users can also view any past comments posted to the oil sample.
Data - The data section will show any results the oil labs found. The results are broken down into ratings, trace elements, particle counts, and lubrication data(if any).
Ratings section will show the past six reports lab sample codes, allowing users to view the previous results. It will also show the sample dates and the overall severity.
Items that are highlighted in red are the areas of concern, by clicking

icon, users can set the alarm levels and view the upper and lower limits associated with the item.
Clicking the

icon, users can set the upper and lower limits. After clicking the icon, the following report will be loaded on the screen.
To set the oil limits, users have a few options to choose from:
1) Insert individual limits by inputting the limits into the four input boxes. (Upper Warning, Upper Alarm, Lower Warning, and Lower Alarm.
2) Choose a limit group by selecting the limit in the Limit Group: down down list. This will set a preset limit for all Test Items (if any exist).
3) Users can edit a limit group by clicking the

NOTE: changing the limit group will change all limits with this group.
4) Add a new limit group by clicking the

After choosing a limit group, inputting individual limits, or adding/editing a limit group, click Save Limits button at the bottom of the page or the

icon at the top of the page.
Charts - Users can customize the charts that display at the bottom of the report.
By clicking the Options button at the bottom of the report under the current charts, users can add which charts are displayed and at what severity.
Users can also update the charts that are currently displayed by clicking the

above the chart. User can adjust the date range or change the current severity of the chart.
Sample Point Attributes Import
Go to the Reports and Options Page
Click the Attributes Uploader
Download the Template
Edit the Template
Mark the Rows Intended for Update
Upload the File
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