Tango™ - Multi Mode
One of the most requested features from users who wants to have multiple screens open at one time in the Web Service is now available! The "Multi Mode" feature allows users to have multiple screen open at one time and able
to switch between them at will. For example, let's say that the user has the Equipment Search screen open and they are looking for certain equipment properties, but they are not sure which piece of equipment
they are looking for. With the "Multi Mode" feature, they will be able to view an "Equipment Definition", then return to the equipment search without having to fill out the search critria again.
Let's run through this example.
1) To start using "Multi Mode" simply click the Multi Mode button in the top menu bar.
Once the "Multi Mode" is on, two dark grey boxes in the upper right corner of the screen will appear.
Minimizing Button - This button minimizes the screen and allows the user to view the multiple screens in the "Multiple Mode Panel Selector".
Close Panel Button - This button closes the current window

Once the window has been closed, it can not be found in the "Multiple Mode Panel Selector".
2) From the Equipment Search page, the user can now click the drop down box next to a piece of equipment and select "Equipment Definition".
3) Once the Equipment Definition panel opens, click the Minimizing Button. The "Multiple Mode Panel Selector" will now be visible.
There are three options from the Multiple Mode Panel Selector for the user.
Select to View Panel - Select a panel to view, this will expand the panel to full screen and allow the user to work within that panel without affecting other panels. Click the "Minimizing Button" to return to the Selector.
Close All - The close all button will remove all the panels in the "Multiple Mode Panel Selector".
Exit - This will exit the "Multiple Mode" and will return the user to normal mode. Click the "Multi Mode" button in the menu bar to reopen the feature.