Database Administration
Database Administration, a.k.a. DBAdmin, is the central control system for a Tango™ database. This section allows user to change, add, and remove users, right, roles, fault types, and settings.
Users must have administrative privileges to access this section of Tango™

Warning: Changing settings in DBAdmin can and will affect the functionality of your database, please read this manual if you have any questions about what a setting or function does before changing it.
If you have any question, please contact
24/7 Systems, and we will be glad to help you understand any feature.
Login To DBAdmin
To login To DBAdmin users must first be logged into their Tango™ Database. Once logged in, click the "Admin" button on the header toolbar.
After clicking the admin button, a confirmation message will display asking the user to navigate away from the open Tango™ page, this will automatically log the user out and keep the user from
having two sessions (or seats) occupied once they log into DBAdmin.
The DBAdmin login page will then be displayed. Enter the appropiate username and password and click "Sign In".
Getting Started
After login in, user will see the welcome screen. From this screen users can click any one of the options in the menu bar to proceed to the desired settings. The following options are available from the menu bar:
- General
- Faults - Add/Edit Fault Items and Groups.
- Recommendations - Add/Edit Recommendations and Recommendation Groups.
- Technologies - Turn on/off technologies that are needed in the database.
- Aliases - Add an alias type, add pick options to an alias Type, and turn on/off aliases for location(s).
- Users Configuration - Add/edit users information, set roles and right, and disable users.
- Linked Document Types - Set available linked document types.
- QR Code Import - Import QR Codes to be used with the database.
- Import Tango Objects - Explains the XML Import process and allows users to check the XML for accuracy.
- User Login Info - Provides login history and see who is currently logged into the database.
- Home - Navigates back to the welcome screen.
- Logout - Logs the user out of the Admin page and removes the user session.
- Equipment Tracking
- Condition Management
- Tango Themes
Add/Edit Fault Groups
Add/Edit Fault Names
Fault Groups:
System administrators can add fault groups or modify fault group names.
1) Click "General".
2) Click "Fault".
3) Click "Fault Group".
To add a new Fault Group
4) At the bottom of the list, enter the new fault group in the "Fault Group Name" text box.
5) Click "Add" to insert the new fault group.
To add a fault group or modify a fault group name:
4) Click "Edit" beside the fault group description to be modified.
5) Enter the new fault group description.
6) Click "Update" to save the change or click "Cancel" to undo.
Fault Items:
System administrators can add fault items or make fault items visible or invisible to database users.
1) Click "General" -> "Fault" -> "Fault Items".
2) Click the drop arrow and select the fault group the item is associated with.
To edit a fault item or make a fault item visible or invisible:
3) Click "Edit" beside the fault edited or changed.
4) Change the name of the item or check/uncheck "Visible to User" to allow users to see or not see these items.
5) Click "Update" to save the change.
To add a new Fault Item to the Fault Group
3) Enter the fault item in the "Fault Name" text box at the bottom of the screen.
4) Click "Add" to insert the new item.
Add/Edit Recommendation Groups
Add/Edit Recommendation Names
Recommendation Groups:
System administrators can add recommendation groups or modify recommendation group names.
1) Click "General".
2) Click "Recommendation".
3) Click "Recommendation Group".
To add a new Recommendation Group
4) At the bottom of the list, enter the new recommendation group in the "Recommendation Group Name" text box.
5) Click "Add" to insert the new recommendation group.
To add a recommendation group or modify a recommendation group name:
4) Click "Edit" beside the recommendation group description to be modified.
5) Enter the new recommendation group description.
6) Click "Update" to save the change or click "Cancel" to undo.
Recommendation Items:
System administrators can add recommendation items or make recommendation items visible or invisible to database users.
1) Click "General" -> "Recommendation" -> "Recommendation Items".
2) Click the drop arrow and select the recommendation group the item is associated with.
To edit a recommendation item or make a recommendation item visible or invisible:
3) Click "Edit" beside the recommendation edited or changed.
4) Change the name of the item.
5) Click "Update" to save the change.
To add a new Recommendation Item to the Recommendation Group
3) Enter the recommendation item in the "Recommendation Name" text box at the bottom of the screen.
4) Click "Add" to insert the new item.
Technologies Types
System administrators have the ability to activate/deactivate Technology Types that are visible while creating Condition Entries or Condition Assessment Tasks.

If a technology was on and used for a condition entry or condition assessment task, and then is turned off, anything with that technology will work properly using that technology type. To remove the technology
from the reports and tasks, users must edit those entries or task and change the technology type manually. However, the histories will still show that technology and the report may still display those technologies.
1) Click "General" -> "Technologies".
2) Click Edit
3) Check/Uncheck the technology type to active/deactivate.
4) Click Update
Alias to Location Mapping
Alias Pick List Options
Add New Alias Type
Alias to Location Mapping
Alias to Location Mapping allows administrators to set what aliases are available when a user is adding an alias to a location, as well as the option to allow multiple alias values to be added to a single location.
1) Click "General" -> "Alias to Location Mapping".
2) Check or uncheck the "Is Active" box for any alias the needs to be/not be displayed.
3) Check or uncheck the "Locations Levels" check boxes where the alias is needed to appear when creating or editing a location in the tree. Check all or one of the locations desired.
Also, check the check box by "Allow Multiple Values" if the alias can or needs to have more than one value.

If the "Is Active" is checked, but none of the checkboxes by the "Locations Levels" are checked, the aliases will not appear when adding/editing locations.
4) Optional: If the alias has a drop down list associated with it, click the "Edit Pick List Options" to add drop down list options.
5) Click "Save" to save the changes, if the save button is not clicked, then the changes that were made will not be saved or visible.
Alias Pick List Options (Lookup Values)
Some aliases have the option to allow alias lookup values from a drop down list. To add an alias lookup value to the drop down list:
1) Click "General" -> "Alias Pick List Options".
2) Click the "Edit" button next to the alias where the drop down list item needs to be added/edited.

Only those aliases with the option for lookup values will be available, check the "
Add New Alias Type" to see how to add lookup values.
Edit the Lookup Value
3) Click the "Edit" button next to the alias lookup value that needs to be edited.
4) Change the text in the text field.
5) Click "Update".
Add a Lookup Value
3) Enter the alias lookup value into the text field under "Insert New Alias".
4) Click "Save".
Add New Alias Type
To add a new alias value:
1) Click "General" -> "Add New Alias Type".
2) Type the "Alias Type Name" in the text field.
3) Check the "Is Lookup Alias" checkbox if the alias values need to have only alias lookup values available to select instead of manually entered values.
4) Enter the lookup values that need to be associated with the alias value. Only one lookup value per line (hit enter to go to the next line).
5) Click "Save".
Users Configurations
The User Configuration Screen allows administrators to add, edit, set roles, and set multiple users. Adding and Editing users are easy, but can be more difficult without some basic knowledge, this section will describe
all the sections of the User Configuration Sections. To get to the user configuration screen:
1) Click "General" -> "User Configuration".
The User Configuration Screen has multiple buttons to choose from, which are explained below:
Edit - Edit the basic user settings such as database administrator rights, user contact and password information, and user type settings.
More Info...
Roles - Add/remove roles that apply to the user.
More Info...
Rights - Set the Regional Rights for a user which can filter the asset tree, and affect what control a user has with condition entries.
More Info...
Apply - Allows admins to use that user as a template for other users by setting the roles and rights for all other selected users.
More Info...
Add New User - Add a new user to the database.
More Info...
Add Templates - Sets templates (roles and rights) that can be applied to all new users.
More Info...
Setup/Edit Users
Administrators will need to be able to add and edit users for their databases. We will start by adding a user:
Skip to Edit Users
Add User
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click "Add New User"
The following screen with display in the main window. There are many options to choose from, however, not all are required to create a new user. The options are:
* User Name - The name the user will use to login to Tango™.
* Customer - The customer name will determine which seats the user will use when they are logged into Tango™.
User Workspace - A free section to add details about the user, such as; Admin, Manager, Electrical, Technician, or user's full name.
Is Sys Admin - Checking this box gives the user Administrator rights and allows them to add/edit user, open condition assessments not assigned to them, etc.
Allow Locations Editing - Gives the user the ability to edit locations in the tree.
Allow Equipment Editing - Gives the user the ability to edit equipment information and locations.
* User Email - User's email address, is used to send notification emails to the user.
Phone Numbers - User's company office and cell phone numbers. Not used by Tango™, but allows for quick reference for Administrators.
Template Settings - Allows administrators to quickly set up roles and rights bases on a template that is created before user setup.
Learn more...
Disable Login - Checking the box disables users from logging into Tango™.
* Current Password - Admin sets the password for the new user. Use the Reset Password to allow the user to reset his password after the first log in.
Reset Password - Allows the user to reset their password after the next login attempt.
Demote User - Automatically sets roles and rights of the user to limit what they can access in Tango™, visit the Roles section to add or remove roles.
* User Type - User type determines what the user can access depending on the type of user they are.
- Standard Tango User - Allows normal access to Tango™ only affected by roles and rights.
- Plant User - Allows plant users to login to Repair Tracker, but can be limited by Repair Tracker Plant Accounts and some database settings.

Some features of this User Type is not commonly used and requires setup from 24/7 Systems. To learn more, please
contact us.
- Vendor/Shop User - Allows Repair Tracker access, able to log in and see a specified vendor (depending on what is selected in the drop down box) but can not login Tango™.
2) Fill out the required fields and any other options that need to be set for the new user.
3) Click "Insert" to save user.
Edit User
To edit a users rights:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click the "Edit" button that is before the User Name that needs to be edited.
2) Edit the fields that need to change by checking/unchecking boxes, editing the text, or selecting different options in the drop down lists.
For what each field does, look above in the
Add User section.
Roles Definitions
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click the "Roles" button to the right of the user name.
2) Check/Uncheck the checkboxes of all roles that need to be applied to the user.
3) Click "Save".
Roles and What They Do:
Add Condition Comments - Allows user to add a Condition Comment to a Condition Entry.
Add Condition Entries - Allows user to add a Condition Entry.
Allow Condition Entry Deletes - Allows user to delete a Condition Entry.
Allow Location Remapping - Allows user to move a location from one part of the asset tree to another.
Allow Purchase Editing In Repair Track - Allows user to edit purchase and warranty information in Repair Tracker.
Allow Scrap In Repair Track - Allows user to set the status of a piece of equipment to "Scrap" status from Repair Tracker.
Condition Assessment Task Editor - Allows user to create and delete assignments, edit task definitions and locations (Access to all the Task Control Panel pages) and re-open condition assessment assignment.
Database Manager -
- Is allowed the same user roles as a System Admin user.
- Permitted to reopen any condition entries which have been closed.
- Notifies user (Emails) when Condition Assessment or Roundslogging Routes/Tasks are upcoming/due/completed.
- When using the Condition Assessment Task Control Panel, the user can edit all open condition assessment assignments.
Disable Trend Timestamp Entry - Allows user to specify the timestamp when manually entering trend data values via the user interface.
Display User in 'Area of Responsibility' Options - Allows user name to be displayed in the Area of Responsibility list so a condition entry can be assigned to the user and can be filtered by that user.
Edit Condition Comment Info - Allows user to edit condition comments on a Condition Entry.
Edit Condition Entry Info - Allows user to edit a Condition Entry.
Edit ICSR Details Page Area of Responsibility - Allow a non-Sys Admin user to to edit the Area of Responsibility from the ICSR Details Page.
Edit ICSR Details Page Corrective Work Code - Allow a non-Sys Admin user to to edit the Corrective Work Code from the ICSR Details Page.
Filter Asset Tree By User Region - Filter the asset tree to display locations permitted based on the user rights setup.
Filter ICR By Operations Area of Responsibility - Filters the ICSR so that user will only see condition entries which someone has selected “Operations” for the Area of Responsibility attribute of a condition entry.
Filter ICSR By Area of Responsibility Associated with User - Brings up the ICSR report filtered to show entries which have been assigned to an area of responsibility linked to the user definition.
Hide Add New Equipment Option in Repair Track - In Repair Tracker, hides the 'Add New' equipment feature for a user. Overrides the Admin user settings.
Hide Anonymous Locations level in main tree view - If the "Anonymous Location" level is turned on, that location will not be visible to the user.
Hide Equipment level in main tree view - The Equipment level types will not be visible to the user.
Hide General Stores level in main tree view - If the "General Store" level is turned on, that location will not be visible to the user.
Hide Plant Locations in main tree view - The Locations (Plant, Unit, Function, Asset, Asset Component) levels will not be visible to the user.
Hide Plugins level in main tree view - If the "Plugins" level is turned on, that location will not be visible to the user.
Hide Repair Pricing (unless the user entered data) - Repair Pricing is hidden from user unless the data is entered by that user.
Hide User Defined Reports level in main tree view - The Services level will not be visible to the user. Also hides the Other Reports options from the location menu.
Permit Changes of Cond. Assmt. Assignment Dates - Allows user to set or modify the Condition Assessment Assignment Dates.
Permit Equipment History Editing After Closure - Allows user to edit equipment history items after they have been closed. Prevents date changes.
Permit Installation Closure in Repair Tracker - Allows vendors to install equipment into locations in the database without log in privileges. Must have edit location rights in User Configurations.
Permit Vendor User Full Login Rights - Allows vendors to have full access to a Tango Database.
Program Manager -
- Is allowed the same user roles as a System Admin user.
- Notifies user (Emails) when all condition entries are checked off and closed.
- When using the Condition Assessment Task Control Panel, the user can edit all open condition assessment assignments.
- When viewing the results of a Condition Assessment Report Search the user will see the option to edit assignments that are not closed.
Purchasing Agent -
- Is the purchasing agent within the plant
- Notifies user (Emails) when a piece of equipment is Sent for Repair.
Receive Condition Entry Checkoff Notices - Notifies user (Emails) when a Condition Entry is checked off.
Receive Email on Root Cause Closure - Notifies user (Emails) when a Root Cause is closed.
Receive Email on Root Cause Corrective Action Creation If Assigned User - Notifies user (Emails) when a Root Cause Corrective Action is added to the database set as the Assigned user.
Receive Email on Root Cause Corrective Action Creation/Closure - Notifies user (Emails) when a Root Cause Corrective Action is added or closed.
Regional Manager - Is a level below system administrator. It is widely used to provide general administration rights to the user.
Root Cause Entry Editor - Allows users to edit Root Cause Entries.
Send Acute Condition Entry Emails - Notifies user (Emails) of, once the Acute Condition Entry severity level is set in DBAdmin, only Condition Entry higher than that severity levels would be sent.
Send Assignments Past Due Emails - Notifies user (Emails) when an Assessment Assignment is past the set due date.
Send Condition Entry Checkoff Emails - Notifies user (Emails) when a Condition Entry has been checked off.
Send Condition Entry Checkoff Emails (filtered by user region) - Notifies user (Emails) when a Condition Entry has been checked off (If the condition entry is in the visible user's regions).
Send Condition Entry Close Emails - Notifies user (Emails) when a Condition Entry has been closed.
Send Condition Entry Close Emails (filtered by user region) - Notifies user (Emails) when a Condition Entry has been closed (If the condition entry is in the visible user's regions).
Send RoundsLogger Closure Emails - Notifies user (Emails) when a RoundsLogging route is closed.
View Only Condition Assessment Services - Removes all visible levels of the tree except the Services -> Condition Assessment Service options.
View Repair Track Data For Entire Company - Allows vendors to see all Repair Tracker data for that database.
User Rights must be added for them to be able to view and interact with some parts of Tango™. "User Roles" can also limit what a user can see by setting
the "Rights"(a.k.a "User Regions").
See Roles Section to understand what roles affect visibility.
There are four "Rights" types:
- View - Allows the user to only view Condition Entries and view the selected section of the tree.
- Confirm Done - Allows the user to "Checkoff" Condition Entries and view the selected section of the tree.
- Close Issue - Allows the user to "Close" Condition Entries and view the selected section of the tree.
- Administration - Allows the user to "Checkoff and Close" Condition Entries and view the selected section of the tree.
The Rights Section allows the DB Administrators to limit which locations (sections) of Tango a user has the rights to Edit, Checkoff, Close, or Administrate.
For example:
John Doe, should be able to "View" the plant, but should only be allowed to "Administrate" the Condition Entries under the "103 Room 3".
To set this users rights:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click the "Rights" button to the right of the user name.
2) Right click the plant location (top location), a selection box will display under the tree with the 4 available buttons.
3) Select the appropiate "Rights" option for that user, for that location. In this case, click "View" to give John Doe view rights to the entire plant.
4) Navigate through the tree to find the location needed to give more specific rights. For John Doe, "103 Room 3" is a unit under the Plant level. Right click on "103 Room 3".
5) Again, a selection box will display under the tree. Click "Administrator".
6) Both rights will be visible on the right panel of the "Rights Screen".
Remove Rights:
To remove the rights, click the "Trash Can" in the right panel, icon next to the rights that need to be removed.
Templates/Duplicate Settings
When setting up multiple users, some users Rights and Roles will need be the same. Instead of setting up each users settings seperately, user can use the "Apply" another users settings or add a user "Template".
Apply (duplicate other users settings)
Add a Roles Template
Add a Rights Template
Apply a Template to a User
Edit a Template
To Apply (Duplicate) Another User's Settings to a Single or Multiple Users:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click the "Apply" button to the far right of the user's name that needs to be duplicated.
2) The next screen will have a full list of users in that database with multiple checkboxes. Check the boxes next to the user that needs the same rights/roles as the user selected in step 1.

Admins can Apply either the
Rights or the
Roles or both to the selected users.
3) Click "Apply", and those users selected will now have the same settings as the duplicated user.
To Use a Template For New or Existing Users:
This option require some setup, both by the Administrator and by 24/7 Systems.
Contact Us for more information
Once the Template feature is turned on for a database by 24/7 Systems. The Administrator will need to begin by setting up one or more templates.
To create a template:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click the "Add Template" button at the bottom right of the user list.
For a Roles Template:
2) Fill in the text fields for "User Template Name" and "User Workspace".
3) Select the "User Role Template" selection button.
4) Click "Save".
5) From the "Roles" Screen, select all the roles that should be applied when using this template.
6) Click "Save".
For a Rights Template:
2) Fill in the text fields for "User Template Name" and "User Workspace".
3) Select the "User Location Rights Template" selection button.
4) Click "Save".
5) From the "Rights" Screen, set the "Rights" permissions as needed for this template. Multiple rights can be applied as needed.
Once the rights are selected, the information is automatically saved and the Admin can navigate away from the page.
Appling the Templates to a User:
Once the templates have been created, appling the templates is easy.
To Apply the Template(s) to a user:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click "Add New User" or click the "Edit" user button.
2) In the Tango User Configuration page, the "Template Settings" will have a "User Role:" and a "Location Rights:" drop down list.
Select the desired Role or Right template that should be applied to that user.

Important! When a template is applied to a user, any previous settings that the user had will be overwritten/removed.
Editing a Template:
1) From the "User Configuration" page, click "Roles" or "Rights" button next to the template that needs to be editted.
2) Add or remove the roles or rights needed.
3) Click "Save".

Important! When a template is modified, all users with that template will automatically be updated.
Set Linked Document Type Options Visible to User:
System administrators can add or remove visible options for the types of linked documents saved in the database.
To view and change linked document options:
1) Click "General" on the menu bar.
2) Click "Linked Document Types".
3) Locate the linked document type that will be added or removed.
4) Click "Edit" beside the linked document type.
5) When the check box beside the linked document type is no longer grayed out, select or unselect the check box.
6) Select "Update" to finalize the change.
QR Code Import
The QR Code import tool is used to associate known QR Codes that are generated by Tango™ to the current database.

This tool will only be used when 24/7 Systems, Inc. has been contacted to create QR Codes for a customer.
User Login Info
The User Login Info is a feature that allows administrators to view who has logged into Tango™, who is currently logged into Tango™, and what silo of Tango™ they logged into.
It also will show excessive log in times, which usually means the user did not properly log out of Tango™.
To use the User Login Info section:
1) Click "General" -> "User Login Info".
2) Set the date range desired to display all login result for that time period.
3) Click "Go".
Home & Logout
The Home will take the user to the welcome page.
The Logout option exits the DBAdmin page and kills the session (seat) they were occuping while is DBAdmin. Be sure to log out when work is completed or it will take 15 minutes to clear the session, which
could cause other users not to be able to log in.
There are two options once you log out.
Tango - Allows the user to login to Tango.
Admin - Allows the user to log back into DBAdmin.
Lookup Values
Add or Remove Lookup Value Options Visible to User:
If an equipment property type is set up to use "Lookup Values" to add a property value, from a drop down list instead of manually entering a value, admin users can add/edit the list from
Equipment Tracking - Lookup Values.
To view, add and change lookup value options:
1) Click "Equipment Tracking" -> "Lookup Values".
2) In "Property" type selection drop down menu, click the drop arrow and select the equipment property type from the list. Not all equipment property types will have associated look up values.

The Lookup Value description is only visible in the DBAdmin and will not show in the drop down list, please be sure the value in the "Name" field is descriptive enough for users to make the correct selection.
Edit Lookup Value:
3) Click "Edit" beside the property lookup value name.
4) Edit the property lookup value name or description as needed in the respective user input boxes.
5) Click "Update" to finalize the change.
Add Lookup Value:
3) Enter the new "Property Lookup Value" name and description in the user input boxes under "Add New Equipment Property Lookup Value".
4) Click "Add" to finalize. The new value will appear in the "Equipment Property Lookup Editor" list for the specified property.
Default Units
The "Default Units" selected in the option appear automatically with the associated equipment design parameter. The user should select the "Default Units" which usually match the units commonly used in the plant.
1) Click "Equipment Tracking" -> "Default Units".
2) The full list of all Equipment Properties that require units will be displayed, find the desired property type, and click the drop down arrow to select which unit should be the default unit.

If the list does not provide the measurement desired or the measurement type is not correct, contact
24/7 Systems to have it changed
3) Click "Save" at the bottom of the list.
Repair Vendors
Add or Edit Repair Vendors:
1) Click "Equipment Tracking" -> "Repair Vendors".
Edit Repair Vendors:
2) Click "Edit".
3) Correct any of the informational text fields that need to be edited.
4) Click "Update".
Add Repair Vendors:
2) Fill out the text field with all the necessary information.
3) Click "Add".
Email Notifications
This section provides "Email Notifications" upon the Designated Equipment actions.
To view, add or change "Email Notification" options:
1) Click "Equipment Tracking" -> "Email Notifications".
2) Click the drop down box to see the list of users.
3) Select the user that should receive the notifications.
4) Check any of the checkboxes to add or remove the notifaction request to be/not be sent. There are two options for each type of equipment, "Return From Repair" and "Send For Repair". Every type
of equipment that is setup in the current database will be displayed here.
5) Click "Save" at the top or the bottom of the list to save the changes.
Equipment Tracking Configuration
Equipment Tracking Configuration allows the user to set or modify the criteria for locations and searches.
To view, add and change location and search options:
1) Click "Equipment Tracking" -> "Equipment Tracking Configuration".
Use General Stores - Indicates if the 'General Stores' area is displayed in the asset tree. The General Stores tree item provides an easy way to 'drop' a piece of equipment into Tango without having to setup a specific storage location for the piece of equipment.
Use Semi-Anonymous Locations - Indicates if the 'Anonymous Locations' area is displayed in the asset tree.
Max Number of Matches In Equipment Search - The maximum number equipment matches which can be returned by Tango for a search. Please restrict this to a small number (500 is suggested) to prevent excessively long searches from occuring. To reduce the number of matches, consider adding another criteria to your search.
Max Number of Items in Equipment Listing - The maximum number equipment matches which can be returned by Tango based on an equipment listing such as 'Out for Repair'. Please restrict this to a small number (500 is suggested) to prevent excessively long searches from occuring. If you need more items, consider refining your search by adding an additional search criteria.
Allow Installation Period Warranties - Determine if warranty information is factored starting on the first day the equipment has been installed following a repair. The alternative is that warranties are based starting on the day the repair is completed.
Unique Database Code - The unique database code is used when generating bar code labels. This allows equipment to be shared between different Tango databases while allowing the application to recognize equipment which did not originate from this database.
Default Usages Class - Indicates which usage class is associated with faults when adding a new fault to the database. This allows any faults that you add to the database to be transferred to other databases. Usage classes may also be turned on and off by 24/7 Systems -- this can be useful when you want to activate or deactivate a whole group of faults and fault groups together.
2) Click the checkboxes, edit the text field, or click the drop down list to change the desired settings.
3) Click "Save" to save the changes.
Condition Management Configuration
1) Click "Condition Management" -> "Condition Management Configuration".
Number of Days For 'Recently Closed' Condition Entries - Indicates how many days are used to determine if a condition entry was Recently Closed. This is used in the Integrated Condition Status Report to determine which entries appear in the Recently Closed section.
Prompt to Continue Case When Creating New Technology Condition Entries - Check this box if you wish to prompt users whether they want a new condition entry to be added to one or more condition entries to create a case.
Allow Condition Entry Back Dating - Do you permit the backdating of condition entries?? This can help encourage people to enter their findings promptly.
Condition Entry Overdue for Checkoff - The number of days before a condition entry is overdue to be checked off. You may configure Tango users to recieve emails for overdue condition entries, and this setting controls which entries are overdue.
Acute Condition Entry Emails Minimum Severity - The minimum severity associated with the transmission of Acute Condition Entry emails. Please note that the Send Acute Condition Entry Emails user right must be active for users wishing to get these emails.
Asset Fitness Summary Minimum Severity - The minimum severity used to fetch data for the Asset Fitness Summary report.
Acute Condition Entry Emails Minimum Location Criticality - The minimum location criticality associated with the transmission of Acute Condition Entry emails. Please note that the Send Acute Condition Entry Emails user right must be active for users wishing to get these emails.
Show 'Unknown Equipment' option in Asset Comp. Editor - Is Unknown Equipment a valid option to display when picking the type of equipment associated with an asset component location.
Default Fault Usage Class - When new faults are created, they can be associated with a class of faults. This is useful when you are managing multiple databases and wish for some faults to be shared as a group between the databases.
Condition Level Group - Indicates which set of options appear for the condition level when adding or editing a condition entry.
Condition Assessment Group - Indicates which set of options appear for a condition assessment state when editing an assessment assignment.
2) Click the checkboxes, add/edit text in the text fields, or click the drop down lists to change the desired settings.
3) Click "Save" to save the changes.
Integrated Condition Report Setup
The "Integrated Condition Report Setup", a.k.a. "ICSR", allows System administrators to add or change the viewable information in the Integrated Condition Report.
1) Click "Condition Management" -> "Integrated Condition Report Setup".
Unit Name - Shows/hides the "Unit Level" column on the ICSR.
Function Name - Shows/hides the "Function Level" column on the ICSR.
Work Orders - Shows/hides the "Work Order" column on the ICSR.
Show Number of Condition Entries Awaiting Work Order - Shows/hides the "Condition Entries Awaiting Work Orders"(number) column on the ICSR.
Area Of Responsibility - Shows/hides the "Area of Responsibility" column on the ICSR.
Work Code - Shows/hides the "Corrective Work Code" column on the ICSR.
Allow Status Comment Entry -
Submit For Work Request -
Submit For Work Order -
Split Cases Into Seperate Top Level Items -
2) Check/Uncheck any of the options that need to be turned on or off.
3) Click "Save" to save the changes.
Equipment Vs Technology to Functional Group Editor
The Equipment Vs. Technology to Functional Group Editor allows the admin user to specify which technologies show up in the Monthly Score Card and Asset Health Reports. Each equipment type needs to be
linked to a functional group in order to filter the reports, setting each technology to Mechanical, Electrical, or Stationary.

This section of DBAdmin is not commonly used, if more information is needed or to set all types to one Functional Group, contact
24/7 Systems.
1) Click "Condition Management" -> "Equipment Vs Technology to Functional Group Editor".
Filter - The filter is used to narrow the list to find the technology or equipment type you are looking for.
2) Locate the "Equipment Type" and the Technology where the Functional Group needs to be set and click the drop down arrow. Select the Functional group that applies.
3) Click "Save" to save the changes.
Themes is a preset UI (User Interface) that is created for clients to customize the look of Tango™.
1) Click "Tango Themes" -> "Select Theme".
2) Click the drop down men arrow to select a theme.
3) Select the desired theme.
4) Click "Save Theme".

The theme will be changed the next time a user enters Tango™.