Condition Entry Case Details Page
This manual will guide users through the Condition Entry Case Details Page.
How to access the Condition Entry Case Details
Condition Entry Case Details is accessed from two locations:
1) Through the asset tree - Displays the Case Details in the main display. Under the Component location, existing Entries will be visible. Click the action menu next
to the entry and click "View Condition Entry".
2) Through the ICSR - Displays the Case Details in a new tab. Either click the "Max Severity" link or click the action menu, then select "Condition Case Details".
Case Navigation Panel
The case navigation is broken up into two parts: Case Specific Information and Case Navigation.
Case Specific Information
Case specific information contains links to features and reports that are only relevant to the entire case. These features include:
1) Show Closed Entries - When this toggle feature is on, the Navigation Panel will display all closed cases, allowing users to review historical cases.
2) Asset Diagrams - Will display any Asset Diagrams associated with the current location.
3) Lifespan Chart - Will display a linear graph representing the timeframe in which entries were created and closed.
More details below.
4) Case Cost Tracking - Tracks the costs related to a case, including projected and actual cost.
More details below.
5) Condition Assessment History - Provides a list of the current Condition Assessment History of the entry location.
6) Location Equipment History - Provides the equipment history of the entry location.
Case Navigation
Case Navigation displays the current cases that are open, by default, or open and closed if the "Show Closed Entries" is toggled "On". Case headers are collapsible
for easy case navigation. Expand the cases to access the individual entries under each case. Each entry in that case will provide a severity/technology icon, date
created, severity name, and case status indicator. Case status indicators provide a quick reference to Open, Checked Off, or Closed. Clicking on the entry will
populate the main window with the entry details.
Condition Entry Details Panel
The Condition Entry Details Panel displays the complete entry information. The panel is divided into multiple sections.
1) Locations and Equipment Information - The top header will display the asset component location associated with the condition entry. If equipment is
installed in the location, the equipment Plant Tag number will be displayed in the grey bar underneath the header.
2) Save Button - The Save button is always visible in the top right corner and the color will indicate whether a save is needed. If no changes have been made, the
button will be grey and not clickable, but once a change is made, the button will display red and will be active.

Another useful feature is the change indicator. When a section or field has been changed, the box around the field will highlight red and provide a undo icon.
Clicking the icon will revert the changes back to the original value and help reduce unwanted changes. Clicking the save button will apply any changes.
3) Entry Details - This section displays important information about the condition entry and includes a CMMS link option which may
be programmed to automatically retrieve work order/request number from a third party program.
4) Suspected Faults - This section allows users to set any faults connected to the condition entry and provides a Problem Level option such as Root Cause or
Primary Failure.
5) Task and Route Info - This section displays the Task or Route name and measurement that requested the condition entry.
6) Oilography Info - This section displays the Oilography report that requested the condition entry.
7) Linked Documents - This section displays only the Linked Documents that are attached to the Condition Entry.
8) Actions, Comments, and Status Comments - This section provides text fields for technicans to add additional information vital
to the condition entry. Information such as: Repair Recommendations, Condition Entry Comments, and updates to the status of the repair. Status comments
may be added by all users, but may only be removed by the user who added the comment or an administrator.
9) Email Notifactions - This panel allows users to view which personel should receive emails in relation to the condition entry. By clicking the share
icon, the user also has the ability to send an email to another Tango user or a third party email, along with a personalized message.
10) Checkoff and Close - This panel shows the status of the condition entry and allows the user to checkoff or close the entry. Users may checkoff and close a
single entry or the entire case, and have the ability to add checkoff and close comments.
Cost Tracking Report
The Cost Tracking Report tracks both the outcome of the condition entry and the values of Labor, Parts, Production, and Transportation as line items which may be
used to validate a repair, show cost savings, track production losses, and more. Users are able to add line items by filling out the required fields for Actual
or Projected Costs and clicking Save Line Item. Each line item will appear at the bottom of the page and can be edited as more information becomes available. Only
the user who added the line item or administrators may edit or remove the values.
Lifespan Chart
The Lifespan Chart will display a linear graph representing the timeframe inwhich entries were created and closed. The color of the default line graph represents
the max severity of the case. Clicking anywhere on a graph line will expand the chart to show each entry's creation and end date, as well as display the
severity color of that entry. Users also have the ability to toggle off the closed cases by clicking on "Show Closed Entries" at the bottom of the window.