RoundsLogging Setting Up Trends and Observations (Bulk)
Setting Up Trend Parameters
From the location tree, click the drop down menu on an asset components and select "Edit Asset Component". This will open the Asset Component Editor in a new window.
In the Asset Component Editor, click the menu bar labeled "Trend Parameters"
Once the Trend Parameters is visible, users can enter the Trend Name, Upper and Lower Limits, and Units.

Bar Code input field can be used for linear barcodes values, which can be used to access that point on Smart Devices.
After the desired information is enter, click the

to insert the Parameter.
Click the

to remove the Parameter.
Setting Up Bulk Trend Parameters
Users can set up Bulk Trend Parameters to all the locations under a Unit, Function or Asset by using existing parameters or creating a new parameter.
1) From the location tree, click the drop down next to a unit or function, and select "View (Unit/Function)".
2) Click the "Child Locations" header, then click the

next to "Edit Trend Parameter Definition".
Add Existing
3) By the Asset Comp Type Filter, choose the "Asset Comp Type" from the drop down list to see only those trends associated with that type or leave it on "All" to see all trends under that function.
4) Click the "All" button to view all exisiting Trend Parameters available under that Unit, Function (depending on the level selected).
5) Click the

beside the Trend needs to added to other locations under that Unit or Function.
6) Check the check boxes next to the Trend Name at desired asset component level and enter "Lower Limit","Upper Limit", and "Units" for each Trend.
7) Click "Save"
New Parameters
3) From the Bulk Editor, by Search Trend Parameter Names, click "New".
4) Enter the new parameter name and click

to add it to locations.
5) Check the check boxes next to the Trend Name at desired asset component level and enter "Lower Limit","Upper Limit", and "Units" for each Trend.
6) After all selections and input fields have been completed, click "Save".
Setting Up State Observation Definitions
To set up a State Observation definition, there are two ways to access the editor.
Option 1 (Unit/Function):
1) From the location tree, click the drop down menu by any Unit or Function level, and select "Edit (Unit/Function)".
2) Click the "Child Locations" header.
3) Click the

by "Edit State Observations Group Definitions"
Option 2 (Asset/Asset Component):
1) From the location tree, click the drop down menu by any Asset or Asset Component, and select "Edit (Asset/Asset Component)".
2) Click the "State Observation (Locations/Definitions)" header.
3) Click the

by "Edit State Observations Group Definitions"
From Option 1 or 2, user will see the State History Group Editor in the main window. User can either Edit a current or Add a State History Group.
Edit Existing Group
Add New Group
Edit Existing Group
4) Using the Search Criteria under the State History Group Editor, users can search for a group game using the "Search State Group" textbox or click "All".
5) Click the

next to the Group Name that needs to be edited.
6a) Edit the "Group Name", the "State Item Name", check "Is Out of Bounds State", or delete the item by clicking

6b) Or add a new state by entering the "New State Item" name in the text field, choosing "Is Out of Bounds State" and clicking the

a new state if desired.
7) Click "Save".
Add New Group
4) Using the State History Group Editor, click the

5) Enter the "Group Name" in the textbox.
6) Click "Save".
7) Enter the "State Item Name", check the "Is Out of Bounds State" is needed, and click the

icon to add the state.
8) Repeat until all "State Names" that are needed are entered.
9) Click "Save".
Assign an Observation Group to an Asset Component
1) From the location tree, click the drop down menu by any Asset Component and select "Edit Asset Component".
2) Click the "State Observation Definitions" header.
3) Under the Observation Group, click the drop down arrow and choose the desired "Observation Group" in the list.
4) Enter the "Observation Description" and "Bar Code"(optional), then click the

to add the observation to that asset component.
5) Repeat until all desired observations have been added.
6) Click "Save" at the bottom of the window.
Setting Up Bulk State Observation Definitions
Users can set up Bulk State Observations to all the locations under a Unit, Function, or Asset by using existing observations.
1) From the location tree, click the drop down menu by any Unit/Function/Asset and select "Edit (Unit/Function/Asset)".
2) Click the "Child Locations" (Unit/Function) or "State Observation Locations" (Asset) header, then click the

next to "Edit State Observations Group Definitions".
3) Click "All" to view the entire list of State Groups, then click

icon next to the Group Name desired.
4) Click the

icon next to the Group Name that will need to be applied to all locations.
5) Scroll down to and click the "Currently Assigned To" header, then click the red "Edit" button.
6) All the child locations of the unit/function/asset the user selected will be visible. Check the checkbox under the "Description" column, add a description.
7) Repeat for all Assets or Components that need this observation type.
8) Click "Save" at the bottom of the window.