Tango™ Equipment Manager Quick Start
In this tutorial, we will be taking you through some of the basic features of Tango™ Webservices. We will cover the following features:
1.) Open your web browser.
2.) Visit tf7.com to access the login page.
2.) Click on the Tango Icon in the Customer Login section. User will be directed to the login page.
3.) From the Tango™ login screen, enter your "Username" and "Password" and click "Login"
4.) Click the database you want to access
Equipment Quick Search
One option for searching for a piece of equipment is through the Quick Search Feature.
On the upper right hand corner of the window, click the "..." on the quick start search bar, this will display a drop down menu to choose which equipment types to search for.
Under "Equipment", look for the equipment class header (e.g. Electrical Equipment) and click the header. Then select the type of equipment to search for (e.g. Circuit Breaker Panel).
After the user has made a selection, it will change the text in the search box from "All Equipment" to "Circuit Breaker Panel". Type the "Plant Tag Number" of the equipment desired.

Use a " * " to account for characters before or after that are not defined. (e.g. If a user is looking for Plant Tag "ABC123", users can type *123, ABC*, or *BC1*)
The search results will be displayed in the main window.
Detailed Equipment Search
For a more detailed equipment search, click the

on the menu bar.
In the main window users will be able to select one or multiple criteria to search for. Fill in the desired fields next to the property and click "Search" at the bottom of the page.
The result will be displayed in a new page, however the users input can be edited by clicking the search options at the top of the page.
Out For Repair Search
To find equipment currently out for repair, click the

on the menu bar. This will open a list of all the equipment currently out for repair.
Users can sort the search by clicking the column headers, clicking a column header twice will revert the order.
Locate in Plant
From any of the search result screen, there will be a drop down box next to the result. Click this drop down and select "Locate in Plant". The asset tree on the left will expand to display the location of the selected equipment.
Install Existing Equipment
Install existing equipment from any of the search result screens. Once a piece of equipment is located, click on the drop down menu next to the desired equipment. In the drop down menu, click the option "Select to Install". This will highlight the selection in yellow.

Equipment that is already installed or out for repair will require additional steps.
After selecting the equipment to install, find the location in the Asset Tree on the left. Click the drop down menu next to the location desired for installation and click "Install Selected Equipment".

If the location has equipment (Anonymous

or Defined

) users will be prompted to remove the equipment before installing new equipment.
Send for Repair
From the Asset Tree, locate the equipment that needs to be repaired.

Users can find equipment manually by expanding the tree or through any of the equipment search options (above).
Click the drop down menu next to the Asset Component Location that contains the equipment, then Select "Send Equipment for Repair".
Users will be required to fill out the "Removal Information" and the "Send for Repair" information.
Click the

to add Suspected Faults, a pop up window will appear to add faults,
type a keyword to find faults or click "All". Click the "Add" button next to the desired fault.
Once all faults have been added, close the pop-up window by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner.
Click "Save" to complete the removal and send for repair process.
Remove Equipment
From the Asset Tree, locate the equipment that needs to be removed or uninstalled.

Users can find equipment manually by expanding the tree or through any of the equipment search options (above).
Click the drop down menu next to the Asset Component Location that contains the equipment, then Select "Uninstall Equipment".
Users will be required to fill out the "Removal Information" information.
Click "Save" to complete the removal process.
Equipment History
There is multiple ways to view the Equipment History of a piece of equipment.
1.) From the Asset Tree, locate the equipment to view the equipment history.

Users can find equipment manually by expanding the tree or through any of the equipment search options (above).
Click the drop down menu next to the Asset Component location the equipment is installed in. Click "Equipment Reports" to expand the menu, then click "Equipment History".

Click "Actions" for more options for that equipment.
2.) Using the search feature, search for the desired equipment. From the result screen, click the drop down next to the equipment. In the menu, click "History Report".
3.) From the Equipment Definition page, click "View" next to View Equipment History.